Your Dentist And Botox:

interactive botox training materialsYou might very well be scratching your head trying to figure out what dentists and Botox could possibly have in common.

At this time only about 10% of dentists are administering Botox injections but that number seems to be growing (dentists see Dentox’s Botox Injection Training).  There are many in the medical world that believe there is no other profession that is more well versed in the anatomy of the human head and neck then a dentist.

They are medically trained in understanding facial muscles and nerves and their (all ready completed)  medical training would put them at a 90% completion in how to safely administer Botox.

There are many people claiming they are fully trained in administering Botox but are not being quite truthful.  This is when people end up with very bad experiences after receiving Botox treatments.  You can end up with a distorted face and under a great deal of pain.  It’s happened, you’ve read about it and you’ve seen it and it certainly is nothing to laugh about.

A dentist is medically trained and is perfectly capable to give someone an injection of Botox.  Their training gives them the understanding of having sterile equipment and everything is completely sanitized.  Dentists understand the nerve system surrounding your head, within your mouth and your neck region.

Dentists are trusted members of the medical world and their patients know they are in good hands and trust them.  Botox is largely used for erasing wrinkles, why not have that perfect cosmetic smile extend to the removal of lines around your mouth?  Your dentist could use Botox for orthodontic treatments to aid in retraining the muscles to keep your teeth straight.

There is a small minority that believe Botox should only be used by specialists and dentists should only be allowed to use Botox for therapeutic purposes.  These non-believers are dwindling as more dentists are seeing the positive advantages for them offering this service.

Dentists, after all, are specifically trained to administer injections in the exact same areas that Botox is injected. Many dentists already offer cosmetic dental procedures, so why not Botox.

There is a right way and a wrong way to use Botox and most people would feel a lot more at ease in the hands of their dentist then someone “claiming” to be well trained in the treatment of Botox.  Patients who suffer from general facial pain, TMJ or Bruxism could find a more permanent relief with Botox then treatments they are receiving now.  Patients who have just been fitted for dentures often have discomfort while adjusting to them.  Injections could help remove some that discomfort.

Botox training does not take a long time for a dentist to learn as they already have most of covered from their initial medical training and they are medical professionals.  The future will probably show more dentists adding this treatment to their practices as they continue to add more cosmetic treatments within their profession.

Read more about Botox training for Dentist:

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