Monthly Archives: January 2015

You Don’t Have to Live With Chipped Teeth

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cracked tooth sketchEveryone has something they would like to change about their appearance, and some people have a whole list of things they dislike about how they look. Sometimes, what we don’t like is easy to fix. If you don’t like your hair, you can get it cut, colored, permed or just styled. If you don’t like your shape, you can change your diet and workout. Blemishes can be covered up with makeup. You can change your eye color with contacts. Other things are more difficult to fix, and some may seem impossible. If you want to be taller, you can wear heels, but if you feel too tall, there isn’t much you can do. One complaint that seems difficult to fix really isn’t. That complaint is chipped teeth.

Far too many people are plagued by chipped teeth, but there is no reason not to have a chipped tooth fixed.  The world of dentistry has come a long way in the past few years, and now dentists can do a great deal to change your smile.  Bonding is a simple procedure in which a dentist crafts a small piece of resin to fill in the chip.  It is even possible to match the exact shade of your enamel, so no one needs to know that any part of your smile isn’t real.  As soon as you get out of the dentist’s chair, you will be able to stop worrying about that part of your appearance.  Don’t be let chipped teeth erode your self-confidence any longer.  Make an appointment with your dentist today to discuss what can be done to fix your chipped teeth.  Chipped teeth can happen to anyone at any time, but are not something you have to continue to live with.  Your dentist can restore your beautiful smile, all you have to do is make the appointment.


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Your Dentist And Botox:

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interactive botox training materialsYou might very well be scratching your head trying to figure out what dentists and Botox could possibly have in common.

At this time only about 10% of dentists are administering Botox injections but that number seems to be growing (dentists see Dentox’s Botox Injection Training).  There are many in the medical world that believe there is no other profession that is more well versed in the anatomy of the human head and neck then a dentist.

They are medically trained in understanding facial muscles and nerves and their (all ready completed)  medical training would put them at a 90% completion in how to safely administer Botox.

There are many people claiming they are fully trained in administering Botox but are not being quite truthful.  This is when people end up with very bad experiences after receiving Botox treatments.  You can end up with a distorted face and under a great deal of pain.  It’s happened, you’ve read about it and you’ve seen it and it certainly is nothing to laugh about.

A dentist is medically trained and is perfectly capable to give someone an injection of Botox.  Their training gives them the understanding of having sterile equipment and everything is completely sanitized.  Dentists understand the nerve system surrounding your head, within your mouth and your neck region.

Dentists are trusted members of the medical world and their patients know they are in good hands and trust them.  Botox is largely used for erasing wrinkles, why not have that perfect cosmetic smile extend to the removal of lines around your mouth?  Your dentist could use Botox for orthodontic treatments to aid in retraining the muscles to keep your teeth straight.

There is a small minority that believe Botox should only be used by specialists and dentists should only be allowed to use Botox for therapeutic purposes.  These non-believers are dwindling as more dentists are seeing the positive advantages for them offering this service.

Dentists, after all, are specifically trained to administer injections in the exact same areas that Botox is injected. Many dentists already offer cosmetic dental procedures, so why not Botox.

There is a right way and a wrong way to use Botox and most people would feel a lot more at ease in the hands of their dentist then someone “claiming” to be well trained in the treatment of Botox.  Patients who suffer from general facial pain, TMJ or Bruxism could find a more permanent relief with Botox then treatments they are receiving now.  Patients who have just been fitted for dentures often have discomfort while adjusting to them.  Injections could help remove some that discomfort.

Botox training does not take a long time for a dentist to learn as they already have most of covered from their initial medical training and they are medical professionals.  The future will probably show more dentists adding this treatment to their practices as they continue to add more cosmetic treatments within their profession.

Read more about Botox training for Dentist:

Toothpaste: changing the habits of a lifetime

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Holistic San Diego Dentist Dr VinogradLet’s be totally honest here: humans are creatures of habit. We like to do the same things every day, in pretty much the same order as every other day, with the same group of people that we see every day. Changing someone’s routine can really knock them and make them confused, and changing the habits of a lifetime is certainly not easy. However, it is vitally important that many people around the world start to look at their habits more critically, because some of them could actually be doing them more harm than good. Take, for example, brushing your teeth.

Doesn’t seem like a very dangerous task, does it, but when you start to look at your toothpaste more closely, you will start to realise that you need to change your life, fast. This is because almost every store based toothpaste will contain ingredients such as diethanolamine, which can cause cancer, and triclosan, which is legally classed as a pesticide (a fact commonly espoused by holistic dental professionals). Those are the sorts of chemicals that you have been putting into your mouth quite happily, twice or even three times a day. Do you still feel happy about it?

We thought not – and that is why we want to encourage you to try making your own toothpaste at home. It is only by making your own toothpaste that you can really be sure that only good things have gone into it, and as only five ingredients are necessary for making your own toothpaste, the cost is almost nothing. You will find yourself saving money each month, as well as being assured that no more nasty chemicals are entering your body through brushing your teeth with horrible and dangerous toothpaste. Change the habits of a lifetime, and start to make your own toothpaste.


How is Holistic Dentistry Better than Conventional Dentistry?

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Dr Daniel Holistic DentistChange is hard for most people and it’s not really a mystery why. Everyone is comfortable with what is familiar, and moving out of that comfort zone is scary. That’s fine and understandable, but without change, there is no innovation, we don’t move forward, and nothing ever gets better. Fear of change is the main reason no one even gives holistic dentistry a second thought. Existing dental practices have been just fine for millions of people, it’s hard to see any reason to do anything different. However, there is a huge difference between holistic and conventional dental practices, and it is important that you understand those differences before dismissing holistic dentistry.

One of the biggest differences between holistic and conventional dentistry is the use of mercury.  While many dentists are shifting to alternative materials, many conventional dentists still use mercury, while holistic dentists, by definition, do not.  It may not seem like that big of a difference, until you realize that mercury is considered a highly toxic substance that has been banned from nearly every workplace except dental offices.  Mercury thermometers are all but obsolete now, and breaking one in a medical setting is handled in such a way as to all but eliminate any risk of coming into contact with even the smallest amount of the substance.  Yet, many conventional dentists continue to regularly place large chunks of mercury into patients’ mouths.  Holistic dentists, out of concern for patient health, seek out filling materials without mercury.  At one time, the alternatives were less durable, harder to work with, and more expensive than mercury, but dental advances have made great strides at changing this.

Another big difference between holistic and conventional dentists is their impact on the environment.  Traditional dentists, even those who have stopped placing mercury fillings, often dispose of removed mercury fillings in a way that the mercury makes its way into the groundwater and the air.  Holistic dentists go to great lengths to ensure mercury from removed fillings is contained until it can be safely disposed of so that it does not pollute the air or the groundwater.  In short, holistic dentists are not just concerned about the health of your teeth, they’re concerned about your overall health and the health of the environment as well.


What Is a Mercury Free Dentist?

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holistic dental symbolLanguage can be deceptive, and words are often used to mislead, especially when it comes to advertising. By now it’s common knowledge that advertising is carefully crafted to make products seem better than they really are. This can be easy to forget at times, especially with products that seem nothing short of miraculous. Think about food items that claim to be “fat free”, “sugar free”, or “all natural”. While these claims may be technically true, what they don’t say speaks volumes. Sugar and fat are both used to add flavor. When manufacturers take out one, the only way to preserve flavor is to pile on something else equally bad for you. The “all natural” label really means nothing at all. There are many things that are all natural that are not at all good for you, and lots of things considered to technically be all natural, that really don’t resemble anything natural at all.

These are just some examples of misleading advertising that make it difficult to believe much of anything.  This is also why many people find it difficult to believe a dentist who claims to be “mercury free”.  Just because they aren’t using mercury doesn’t mean they aren’t using something just as bad or worse.  Although this is often the case with many other advertising claims, the same isn’t the case for mercury free dentistry.  Many dentists have turned to mercury alternatives for filling cavities, but many scientific studies have proven these alternative materials to be completely safe for use in the human body, while mercury has been known to be highly toxic for over a century.

If you see a dentist describe him or herself as “mercury free”, it means that they are concerned about more than just the health of your teeth and gums, they are just as concerned about your overall health, and that they use fillings that are truly completely safe.

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